About Us

Most agencies operate on theories and best practices; we operate from experience. Our strategies don't come from books and courses, they come from trial and error and implementing them ourselves.

Behind-the-scenes of the agency, we also operate other businesses that rely on some of the exact strategies we'll implement for you. Our knowledge of this space is always backed by deep experience because we're in it too.

Edwards House is family-owned. We're partners in business and in life. We started EHM because we love what we do and knew we could use our expertise to help others go farther, faster. We'll help you strengthen your message, expand your reach, and make a bigger impact. When you work with us, you're getting a team of people who value your success. We can't wait to work together.

Let's work together

About Edwards House

After 10+ years starting and growing our own businesses online and dozens of product launches generating millions of dollars, friends and friends of friends routinely come to us for casual advice on their own projects. Each time they tell us, “you guys should really do this for other people-- start an agency or something." So, Edwards House was born. We started this not to put theory into action, but to apply our decade of experience and expertise so we can help other businesses thrive.

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